
One of the fondest memories of my Granddad Nelson was trading quotes regularly over email. Sadly I lost the email archive when I went on my mission, but it has continued to be an interest of mine. I hope you enjoy my collection of quotes. A bit of everything from religion to politics to leadership.

A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts.

The saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anyone else to feel like that

Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.

Differences in habits and attitudes are differences in human capital, just as much as differences in knowledge and skills—and such differences create differences in economic outcomes.

Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!

When you’re in a heated argument, stop and ask what evidence would change your mind? If the answer is nothing, there’s no point in continuing the debate. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it think.

Government can’t guarantee your happiness, but it should guarantee your right to pursue it.

unless a drastic change is made, the way a person is raised will most likely be the way that person will raise their children.

Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.

Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got