
One of the fondest memories of my Granddad Nelson was trading quotes regularly over email. Sadly I lost the email archive when I went on my mission, but it has continued to be an interest of mine. I hope you enjoy my collection of quotes. A bit of everything from religion to politics to leadership.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (1)
A Course In Miracles (1)
Abe Lemons (1)
Adam Grant (1)
Adrian Rogers (1)
Adrian Tchaikovsky (1)
Afghan Proverb (1)
Akatanka (1)
Albert Einstein (3)
Alex Morton (1)
Alexander Fraser Tytler (1)
Alfred Lord Tennyson (1)
Alistair Mican (1)
Amelia Earhart (1)
Andy Weir (1)
Ann Morin Forbes (1)
Anne Lamott (1)
Anthony D. Perkins (1)
Arnold H. Glasow (1)
Ayn Rand (4)
Barry M. Sherbal (1)
Becky Craven (1)
Ben Fizeil (1)
Ben Shapiro (8)
Benjamin Franklin (2)
Bernard Meltzer (1)
Bhavna Karnani Killa (1)
Bianca Sparacino (1)
Bill Gates (1)
Boyd K. Packer (1)
Brad Wilcox (1)
Brandon Sanderson (6)
Brené Brown (2)
Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson (11)
Brian Kernighan (1)
Brian Tracy (1)
Brigham Young (1)
Buddha (1)
C.S. Lewis (2)
Calvin Coolidge (1)
Camille N. Johnson (1)
Carl Jung (1)
Carol Roth (1)
Charles Bukowski (1)
Charles Dickens (1)
Charles Lamb (1)
Charles R. Swindoll (1)
Charlotte Bronte (1)
Cher (1)
Chris Guyer (1)
Christopher Reeve (1)
Clark Gilbert (1)
Coleman Hughes (1)
Colin Powell (1)
Colleen King Reeder (1)
Dale G. Renlund (1)
Dale G. Renlund (1)
Dallin H. Oaks (2)
Dan Brown (4)
Dana Perino (1)
Dave Kline (1)
Dave Pelzer (1)
Dave Rubin (1)
David A. Bednar (2)
David Brinkley (1)
David McCullough (1)
Dick Van Dyke (1)
Dieter F. Uchtdorf (3)
Dokeshi no michi (1)
Domingos Sabino (1)
Donald Knuth (1)
Dr. Kahn (1)
Dr. Seuss (2)
Dream Hampton (1)
Dwight D Eisenhower (1)
Dyan Machan (1)
E.F. Schumacher (1)
E. Joseph Cossman (1)
Edmund Burke (2)
Edward Tufte (1)
Elaine Cannon (1)
Elaine Jack (1)
Elbert Hubbard (1)
Eleanor Roosevelt (1)
Elisa Hunter (1)
Elizabeth Kubler Ross (1)
Emily Coxhead (1)
Eric Hoffer (1)
Erich W. Kopischke (1)
Erin Glass (1)
Ezra Taft Benson (2)
F Burton Howard (1)
Finley Peter Dunne (1)
Francis Quarles (1)
Frank Capra (1)
Frank Herbert (30)
Frank Martin (1)
Franklin P. Jones (1)
Fredrick Douglas (3)
Friedrich Nietzsche (2)
Frédéric Bastiat (1)
Gary B. Sabin (1)
Gary E. Stevenson (1)
Gary Sinise (1)
George Bernard Shaw (3)
George Halas (1)
George S. Patton (1)
George Washington (3)
George Will (1)
Gerald N. Lund (6)
Gertrude Stein (1)
Golda Meir (2)
Gordon B. Hinckley (1)
Grant Jensen (1)
Hank R Smith (1)
Hank Smith (1)
Harold S. Geneen (1)
Harry S. Truman (1)
Harry Turtledove (4)
Harvey Firestone (1)
Helen Keller (1)
Helen Rowland (1)
Henry B. Eyring (1)
Henry Ford (1)
Henry Moore (1)
Henry Teichert (1)
Heraclitus (1)
Hindu Proverb (1)
Honore de Balzac (1)
How I Met Your Mother (1)
Ian Fleming (1)
Iyanla Vanzant (1)
J.R.R. Tolkien (5)
Jack Welch (1)
Jacob Nelson (1)
Jaffer Wilson (1)
James Patterson (1)
James S. A. Corey (1)
James Thurber (1)
James E. Faust (1)
Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr (1)
Jean Kerr (1)
Jean de La Bruyère (1)
Jeanne Inouye (1)
Jeffrey R. Holland (5)
Jeremy Goldberg (1)
Jim Kwik (1)
Jim Rohn (1)
Jimmy Dean (1)
Joe J. Christensen (1)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1)
John 15:3 (1)
John Adams (1)
John C. Maxwell (1)
John Henry Newman (1)
John J Pershing (1)
John Maxwell (2)
John Ruskin (1)
John W. Holt, Jr. (1)
John Wooden (1)
Jonathan Edward Durham (1)
Jonathan Kozol (1)
Joseph Addison (1)
Joseph Roux (1)
Joseph Smith (3)
Joseph Telushkin (1)
Joshua Reynolds (1)
Joyce Brothers (1)
Jules Renard (1)
Kalen Dion (1)
Karl Popper (1)
Katie Reid (1)
Kylo Ren (1)
L.R. Knost (2)
Lao Tzu (1)
Lawrence Balter (1)
Leigh Ann Henion (1)
Lena Horne (1)
Leo Tolstoy (1)
Lewis Mumford (1)
Libbie Fudim (1)
Lois Wyse (1)
Lorii Myers (1)
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (1)
Lynn Beisner (1)
M. Russell Ballard (1)
Madeleine L'Engle (3)
Malcolm Forbes (1)
Marcel Proust (1)
Margaret Mead (2)
Marian Keyes (1)
Marion D. Hanks (1)
Martin Luther King Jr (2)
Marvin J. Ashton (2)
Mary Kay Ash (1)
Mary Pickford (1)
Matt Townsend (1)
Matthew Wren (1)
Maya Angelou (1)
Mentore Stefano (1)
Michael Jordan (1)
Michael Lopp (1)
Michelle D. Craig (1)
Michelle Obama (1)
Miguel de Cervantes (1)
Milton Berle (1)
Milton Friedman (1)
Miyamoto Musashi (1)
Morgan Freeman (1)
Najwa Zebian (1)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1)
Napoleon Hill (1)
Natalie Wood (1)
Neal A. Maxwell (2)
Neil L. Anderson (2)
Nietzsche (1)
Noel Coward (1)
Nora Ephron (1)
Norman Cousins (1)
Og Mandino (1)
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1)
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1)
Oprah Winfrey (1)
Orlando A. Battista (1)
Orson Scott Card (36)
Oscar Wilde (1)
P. J. O'Rourke (1)
Paul Brown (1)
Pearl S. Buck (1)
Perry Belcher (1)
Pete Seeger (1)
Peter Ustinov (1)
Phyllis Diller (1)
Pierce Brown (5)
Preston J. Checketts (1)
Proverb (2)
Pueblo Indian Prayer (1)
R. Buckminster Fuller (1)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (3)
Raymond E. Feist (1)
Richard Branson (1)
Richard L. Evans (1)
Richard Whately (1)
Richard C. Edgley (1)
Rick Warren (1)
Rita Rudner (1)
Robert A. Heinlein (2)
Robert Brault (1)
Robert Fulghum (3)
Robert Jordan (3)
Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson (3)
Robert S. Wood (1)
Robert Tew (1)
Robin Williams (1)
Ronald Reagan (2)
Rumi (1)
Russell M. Nelson (9)
Sabrina Newby (1)
Salvador Dali (1)
Samuel Johnson (1)
Scott Hagan (1)
Segun Akinlose (1)
Seneca (1)
Shawna Nelson (1)
Sigmund Freud (1)
Simon Sinek (3)
Soren Kierkegaard (4)
Spencer J. Condie (1)
Stephen Covey (1)
Stephen King (1)
Stephen R. Covey (1)
Steve Jobs (3)
Steve Maraboli (1)
Sylvester McNutt III (1)
Tamara W. Runia (5)
Taylor Ricks (1)
Theodore Roosevelt (1)
Thomas A. Edison (3)
Thomas Merton (1)
Thomas S. Monson (5)
Thomas Sowell (2)
Tim Cook (1)
Tim S. Grover (1)
Tom Robbins (1)
Tony Gaskins (1)
Tupac (1)
Tupac Shakur (1)
Unknown (81)
Vaclav Havel (1)
Vernon Howard (1)
Vince Lombardi (1)
Voltaire (2)
Wayne W. Dyer (1)
Wil Becker (2)
William Butler Yeats (1)
William J. H. Boetcker (1)
William Lloyd Garrison (1)
Winston Churchill (2)
Yamamoto (1)
Yoda (1)
Zig Ziglar (1)
Zoe Clark-Coates (1)